Project details

Project details

Project details

Equilibra App

The transition from traditional therapy to the virtual environment can create obstacles in building a solid emotional connection between patients and psychologists. In light of these challenges, this study aims to find effective ways to ensure a satisfactory user experience that promotes trust, empathy, and users' safety during the online therapeutic process.


UI Design

3 months


Open project


To develop an application to promote emotional connection and empathy between patients and online psychologists, with easy usability and in an objective manner, without the need for many steps to schedule an appointment.

First steps:

Investigate the level of acceptance of the public regarding this type of service and identify growth and development opportunities.

Collected data shows that:

  • 67% of respondents have never used an online psychologist app.

  • 50% of those who have used the service did so between 1 and 3 times.

Main perceived benefits:

  • Time savings on commuting.

  • Flexibility of scheduling for consultations.

Identified challenges:

  • Some people feel uncomfortable not knowing the professional beforehand.

  • There is fear that the service may be perceived as “impersonal”.

Competitive Analysis

I conducted a detailed competitive analysis of platforms related to online psychology services, including both direct and indirect competitors. The study was based on the SWOT model (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) applied to each competitor, generating strategic insights for market positioning.

Competitor 1: Cuida de Mim
Competitor 2: Cíngulo
Main Insights

The analysis revealed opportunities for a business model that combines social purpose with efficient technological solutions. Investing in intuitive interfaces and online scheduling is essential to attract a broader audience and increase user retention.

Both Cuida de Mim and Cíngulo have gaps regarding user experience, such as non-intuitive interfaces or functional limitations. A customer-centered approach could be the competitive edge.

Usability Testing and Main Learnings

The test was conducted by the Maze platform with 04 participants aged between 20 and 45 years.

After analyzing the paths taken, 75% were able to complete the journey, 67% would recommend it to their friends.

Analyzing the feedback, we have confirmation that as an MVP it meets basic needs by being practical and objective; however, improvement points were identified:

  1. Registration: Simplify the process and reduce clicks.

  2. User-Psychologist Connection: Add profiles for patients to get to know the professionals better.

  3. Consultation History: Create a schedule with records of previous sessions.

  4. Dynamic Calendar: Improve interactivity to facilitate scheduling.

  5. Mobile App: Currently, the platform does not have a version for mobile devices. Given the growing demand for practical and accessible solutions, it is essential that new applications are designed with a mobile-first approach, ensuring an optimized experience for users on smartphones and tablets.

The study confirmed that the MVP of the Equillibra APP aligns with the basic needs of users, providing practicality and functionality. However, improvements are needed to enhance the experience and foster a stronger emotional connection between patients and psychologists.
The analysis revealed opportunities for more intuitive interfaces, profiles that bring users closer to professionals, and functionalities such as consultation history and a dynamic calendar. These adjustments, along with the development of a mobile version, could transform Equillibra into a comprehensive solution, capable of meeting market expectations and fostering trust and empathy in the online therapeutic environment.
Link to the full study

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